Celebration of Service Award Winners Recognized

The Junior League of Northern Virginia (JLNV) recognized the following award winners and nominees at its annual Celebration of Service. These women have been an inspiration to League members and worked to advance the mission of the JLNV through their passion and commitment to volunteerism.

The Sally Harwood Hardy Award for Excellence in Volunteerism
Winner: Jennifer Bell
Nominees: Candice Bennett, Stephany Smith Hafezi

Victoria Z. Greve Award for Distinguished Service
Winner: Virginia Newborn
Nominees: Chelsea Anders, Ivy Dastur, Shanta Whitaker, Diana Walsh and Emily Wyant

Mary Harriman Award for Leadership
Winner: Tanya LaForce
Nominees: Maria Hutchinson

Beacon Award for New Member Achievement
Winner: Ellen Pubal
nominees: Katie Eubanks and Tara McCook

Julia Doig Wilcox Award for Excellence in Volunteerism in the Community: Cydny Neville

Corporate Partner Award: Mosaic/EDENS

Communications Council MVP: Chelsea Anders

Community Council MVP: Shannon Stockton

Finance Council MVP: Stephany Smith Hafezi

Fund Development Council MVP: Kathy Kovacs

Planning Council MVP: Celene Moorer